The Lao Heritage Foundation has year round music and dance programs in the Washington D.C. area. The program is free and available to all those who are interested. LHF partners with various Lao organizations to host summer camps across America and in Laos each summer. These programs would not be possible without the local partners and supports.
Washington D.C. Program
Although LHF was established in 2004, the first Washington D.C. summer camp was established in the summer of 2012. Besides summer camps, the D.C program has year round on-going dance and music program that is free and open to the general public. The students perform at local temples and functions in the Washington D.C. area. This program in run by LHF headquarters. If you are interested in the program or would like to enroll a student please contact us.
Local contact: Niphasone Souphom and Xai Souphom
Email: [email protected]
Rhode Island Program
The Rhode Island program is run by the Lao Community Center of Rhode Island or LCC. LCC has been a long partner of LHF. The music program was launched in Rhode Island in 2008. Rhode Island has a year round dance program that is opened to the public. The students perform at many events in Rhode Island. They also host an annual summer camp each year.
Local Contact: Somravanh Littasack
Email: [email protected]
Midwest Program
The Midwest program was established in 2015. It is a collaboration among three different states, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois and LHF. Each state takes turn hosting the summer camp. It was first hosted by Wisconsin. Each state has their own local program which performs based upon request.
Local contact for Wisconsin: Akarath Soukhaphon and Tataya
Email: [email protected]
Local contact for Minnesota: Alex Phasy
Email: [email protected]
Local contact for Illinois: Sammy and Christopher Rattansamy
Email: [email protected]
San Diego Program
The San Diego program is established in 2016. It is run by SD Lao Heritage with a partnership with LHF. SD Lao Heritage has a year round dance program and performs in numerous events throughout the year. They also host annual summer camps teaching traditional Lao music, dance, and culture.
Local contact: Nome Thongphachanh
Email: [email protected]
Fresno Program
The Fresno program was established in 2018. It is run by the Lao Language Classes of Fresno in partnership with LHF. Fresno has an ongoing dance program throughout the year. They hosted their first summer camp in 2018. The students perform at various functions around the local and surrounding areas.
Local contact: Van Thavy
Charlotte Program
The program at Charlotte, NC started off as a pilot program with a three day mini camp in the summer of 2018. The program was run by the School of Jai in partnership with LHF. Though the Charlotte program does not have a year round program, some of the students do perform base on request for dancing.
Local contact: Linsun Simthong
Email: [email protected]
Philadelphia Program

Philadelphia, PA started out as a pilot program in the summer of 2018. The program was run by Laos in the House with a partnership with LHF. Philadelphia currently does not have any on going program. However, they have both adult learners and kids in their program.
Local contact: Catzie Vilayphonh
Email: [email protected]
Fort Worth/Dallas Program
The program in Dallas/Fort Worth was established in the summer of 2018. The program is run by DFW Lao Heritage with a partnership with LHF. The program hosts annual summer camps to build their music and dance program.
Local contact: Peter Southidara and Kelly Phommachanh
Email: [email protected]
Rochester Program
Rochester, NY was established in the summer of 2019. The local community and LHF is very excited to build the music program.
Local contact: Oudomphone Phoummany
Email: [email protected]
Luang Prabang, Laos
The Luang Prabang camp was launched in the summer of 2017 with over 350 students in the first year. This program is a collaboration with the Children Cultural Center of Luang Prabang, LHF, and the Orphanage School of Luang Prabang. LHF donated a set of instruments to both institutions as well as provided the music teacher and materials for camp each year. LHF works with a local team of teachers and staff from the Cultural Center and the Orphanage school to host the camp each year. LHF also provides transportation and food to the students from the Orphanage School for the two weeks of camp. LHF hopes that within 5 years, the program will be self run by each of the local centers.
Local Contact: Director Chanpheng Singpheth