Events in 2008
LAOS TRANSPIRED: Contemporary and Ethnic Works from the Laotian Diaspora (November 4, 2007 to January 13, 2008)
LHF work collaboratively with a our long time partner, Legacies of War to install an exhibition at the Brush Art Gallery in Lowell, Massachussetts. The exhibition featured: ethnic garmets from the textile collection of Prince Nithakhong Somsanith; historical illustrations from the Legacies of War traveling exhibition; constructions and drawings by visual artists Mali Kouanchao and Boon Vong; photographs by Phil Borges, and an interactive-multimedia work by Steve Arounsack and Nor Sanavongsay.
Launching of Music Program, Providence, RI (June 26-30, 2008)
Following a successful pilot program in 2007 in Seattle, WA, LHF collaborated with the Lao Community Center (LCC) of Rhode Island to launch a music program in Rhode Island. LHF provided the curriculum and instruction, while LCC provided the facilities and funding for the instruments and travel.
Second Annual Summer Camp, Seattle, WA
The Seattle Pilot program became a summer camp program with increase student enrollment and expansion of activities to also include traditonal Lao dancing along with music and culture.
LHF performs at the Richmond Folk Life Festival (October 10-12, 2008)
After the performance at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival at the National Mall, LHF was invited to performed at the Richmond Folklife Festival. Performers included the two music masters, Ajarn Thongtun Souvannaphan and Ajarn Bounseung Synanonh along with their students and a mo lum or folk singer.
LHF hosted 4th Annual Cultural Show: The Art of Lao Textile (September 27, 2008)
The 4th Annual Cultural show featured a fashion show of Prince Nithakhong Somsanith’s textile collection. Additionally, we featured traditional dance performances by one of our partner organizations, Lao American Women’s Association (LAWA) and the Lao Swan Dance Troupe of the D.C. Metro Area. We also had traditional musical performances by Thongtanh Souvannapanh and his students.
This year’s show also featured special art work by Reflections Within, a collaboration between an internationally-renowned Lao poet, Mali Phonpadith, and an award-winning photographer, Dede Haas. Also, exquisite Lao textiles were available for sale. A portion of all
proceeds were donated to the Lao Heritage Foundation.